Sunday, April 11, 2010

So, I Have a New Hobby...

Just down the block from me is a little convenience store. Its really the only thing open in the evenings and on Sunday. If you imagine a 7-11 without the prepared food, combined with a liquor store, all of which fits neatly into a large walk-in closet, you have the picture.

My new hobby is playing "what the hell are you" with the owner. Really, he doesn't know what my nationality is, and it seems to be driving him slowly mad. I have never, EVER, spoken anything but French to him. Now my French is far from fluent, let alone perfect, so he has to know that I'm not French. Tonight, when I stopped by to pick up a couple of beers, he spoke to me in French, English, and Spanish. I answered each question in French, and waved goodbye as I left.

I'll let you know if he tries German or Chinese next :-)

Update: 12 April, 6:30 pm

Tonight, he tried Italian...


  1. Snicker... that's a fun game, and you must be doing it well. I was very pleased when we were in Rome to be accosted by street beggars outside the Vatican, and have them address us in German, Dutch, and something else I can't recall now before they tried English. Good job staying with your full immersion program!

  2. I like it! Quick, start learning responses in as many languages as you can...
