Friday, April 23, 2010

Le Parc de Clères

Friday, May 14, 2010
about 20 min from Rouen by train

After being sick most of the week, we decided to go in search of Le Parc de Clères. After a 15 minute train ride out of Rouen, we arrived at the Cleres station. The old train station was deserted. And I don't mean empty...though the door opened, the information window was boarded up. There was no town to be seen. As our train faded into the distance, the only sound was bird song. And a rather eerie animal call.

We looked at each other, shrugged, and headed down the hill. And found a cute little town, complete with a picturestue stream, a medieval-looking market pavillion, two boulangeries, and a few other shops. The park entrance was just a few more steps away.

The purpose of Cleres Park is to preserve and study animal and plant species for preservation. Scientific research carried out at the Park focuses on molecular genetics (biotechnology of reproduction), artificial insemination and cryopreservation of seeds (genetic management of captive populations). The park is composed of:
  • a "Flamboyent Gothic" castle built in the 16th century near/on the ruins of a medieval castle built in the 13th century
  • a zoological park (200 species of mammals, 1500 species of birds)
  • a plant collection (eating and cider apple collections, conservatory with medicinal plants)
Le Parc de Clères isn't what either of us expected. Gently landscaped grounds contained free-ranging birds and animals..ducks, wallabys, deer, flamingos. Without any fences, humans and animals seemed to mutually agree on an acceptable distance from each other.
Note: Except, that is, for some male peacocks, who seemed to take immense glee in pursuing people with babies...

The castle wasn't open, but did provide a picturesque background for the plants and animals.

Getting there:
  1. train to Cleres (about 15 min)
  2. less than a 10 min walk:
  • cross the overhead bridge, and walk down the hill
  • at the medieval market pavillion, turn right
  • park entrance is about 1/2 block away on the right

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